Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bible Study Number 2

Whooo hooo! Had another bible study. Thank you all for coming--it's always lovely to see you! Really. No, seriously, it is. You see, (and I don't know if any of you who actually came might be reading this but,) everytime we get together, we are forming a kind of community. We are coming together to participate in something bigger than ourselves and in doing so, make ourselves available to be changed as well as to faciliate change around us. We were talking tonight about how so many people talk about doing things, but never actually get around to doing them. We mentioned that many people don't feel that they have the power to do anything and so succumb to apathy. Well, I'm here to point out that the simple act of coming together for something as like a bible study is a first step to avoiding this type of lethargy. Believe it or not, Christianity, a faith community, is not about avoiding certain kinds of behavior, but is about taking on certain kinds of missions. Nor is it about getting people to believe in the same things as you. Instead, community in the Christian faith is about action; it is being present to the world by being in the world and doing so as an empowered individual serving in an empowered community. When we follow in the way of Christ, when we become disciples of his, we are taking on his work, his mission to be the light to the world. To each other.
It starts with the simplest of committments. Can you not see how powerful you are?