Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jesus in the Tri-Cities

Now that I have been around and meeting people, talking to people in emergent communities and reading lots of books, it seems that now is a good time to stop and ask: "What have I learned so far?"


That while I am called to the work of evangelism, I am not an Evangelist nor evangelical. I'm an Episcopalian with a twist. :)

That because people tell me that there is nothing for younger single people and no younger single people in this area that we have an opportunity to create something for this demographic to participate in and help create. There are a lot of churches in Midland, but not everyone likes going to traditional church.

that Saginaw needs people to love her. Oh, don't misunderstand me, there are people there loving her right now, but she needs lots of love from lots of people.

That Jesus is already present here, we just need to make ourselves aware of it.

I'm searching for a new way to live, a new way to be Christian. I want it to be fun, life-giving and tangible. I want to see what my faith looks like in my own two hands as they reach out for another's.

Of course, I only have more questions too...

What is it to live everyday as a Christian in a relational, connected, non-judgmental manner? What is it to fall in love with the very things God has fallen in love with? What if we were to think about growing into ourselves rather than out of ourselves? How do we practice radical hospitality? Better yet, how do I practice radical hospitality? What am I afraid of and how do I overcome it? Where are the communities God is calling me into? Where are yours?

1 comment:

Ian Macdougald said...

Excellent. Many people have been truned off by the Church, and yet God loves ALL mankind. We need a new way to reach our with His love.