Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What is the Emerging Church?????

Hi everyone! Now that I have returned from the wonderful New York City, I can refocus on those looming questions that I had set aside. Much of what I have been reading over the last three months has fallen under the label (yes, it kinda is a label) of Emerging Church (I have to use something, so let me shamelessly employ this current buzzword--though I am trying not to taint it). One thing I haven't really tackled is offering all you lovely people an overview of what Emerging Church is. To remedy this, I found a nice and concise overview of what might make up an emerging church. Nanette Sawyer, who pastors Wicker Park Grace, an Emerging community in Wicker Park Chicago, posted on her blog a summary of Marcus Borg's understanding of "emerging."
This is by no means an exhaustive overview--there are many manifestations of what it means to be emergent. And this is ok, because each community, each church, has its own context--its own culture. For some people, this aspect of emerging may be threatening; I do not find it so. God is much bigger that one faith tradition, one approach. What I feel emerging does is remind us of the larger truth that is out there, but which we alone cannot fully grasp. We need each other and each other's little holds on truth in order to start approach the whole of what is actually true (of what is God). This is both humbling and empowering and for many of these communities, is uncharted territory.
Is this a different approach from the kind of church you grew up in?


Christopher C Hooton said...

Hey Sarah, It was great to meet you today and serve our friends by gutting their house. Wow. If Elaine and I can be of any assistance in your church planting efforts, we would be into it. Good luck on your sermon writing.

redheadrev said...

Hi! My hubby, above, said he met you today and I looked at your blog and thought you should maybe join a couple of things I've gotten involved in. The first is RevGalBlogPals, a webring for women pastors and their family and friends. They are a lot of fun. The second is The Young Clergy Women's Project. I'm not really apart of that yet because I won't be ordained until May, but I'm in their waiting group. You should take a look. I've found the women, especially in RevGals, to be very encouraging to me.

I look forward to reading more of your posts.

W said...

you're in the Diocese of MI, right? Stop by Canterbury House at U of M someday ( Borg more or less describes us.

W said...

Sarah, I think I found your blog on Emerging Women.

C-House worships at 5pm on Sundays.

tooting my own horn: starting 11/25, I've got a very interesting series of posts. Very Emerging, if I may say so myself.