Monday, June 23, 2008


Ok, almost out of the airport! Anyway, as I was trying to write yesterday, there were all these amazing different communities gathered not just to discuss, but to celebrate their faith as it is lived out in their very common, yet not-so-common life together.

The topic of the gathering was not just community, but faith lived out in every aspect on one's life and for these people, that meant inclusivity' identification with the poor, poverty, action, love and worship. It was clear that not everyone was coming from the same background and certainly not everyone was coming from the same sort of "doctrine". But what they did have in common was a desire to follow Christ so as not to be Christians, but to be disciples.

This was a good look at what I might call a kind of emerging neo-monasticism. The days were structured around morning worship which usually involved a phone call to someone like tony camplo or Brian mcclaren (rock stars of the faith) followed by learning sessions held in the morning. My flight is about to board so ill follow up on this later!
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